Greenhouse Grown · Local · Nutrient Dense
We created Revolution Farms to be clean from the start and to feed our community with fresher, more nutritious salad greens all year long.
We carefully tend to every non-GMO certified leaf, protecting them from pests and harsh weather, and ensuring they are crisp, rich in nutrients, and fresh for weeks.
How We Do It
A Revolution of Difference
Revolution Farms lettuce is bigger and greener than other brands, and darker green lettuce leaves contain higher levels of Beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron (USDA, 2001).
Our lettuce is grown to full maturity and picked at peak, only when it’s ready. Plus, it’s pesticide-free, making it better than organic.
Every season is growing season.
Our balanced ecosystem protects and nourishes our crops in all seasons, producing a year-round, picture-perfect harvest. Even during Michigan’s winter season of clouds and snow! A typical outdoor farm turns crops 2-4 times per year. We’re able to turn our crops 14 times per year! At any given time, we have approximately 2.1 million lettuce plants growing in our greenhouse.
Our Impact
Our community is important to us. It’s why we built this company in West Michigan, and it’s why we’re so passionate about what we do. We want to provide better food for all our communities across the state. A few organizations we support include The Community Basket in Dutton, Feeding America West Michigan, and Community Action House in Holland.
We love West Michigan, and we believe everyone deserves access to fresh produce. Have a need you’re looking to fill? Request a donation!
In addition, check out the educational website and program we’ve partnered with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to create. Through grant funding, we developed a free resource for teachers and families to utilize, centered around the importance of eating local produce and growing hydroponic crops. Visit www.lettuceatmoregreens.com to learn more.
Where To Buy
Revolution Farms salad greens are available for purchase in all Meijer stores, including City Market stores, Horrocks, Kingma’s, Doorganics, and Fresh Thyme Grand Rapids. You will also find our lettuce on menus in restaurants throughout Michigan. Don’t see our lettuce in your store? Ask for it!